
Introduction from

docker run -it --rm \
-v ~/project/MNLI:/work/MNLI \
-v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
-v /mnt:/work/data \
--privileged docker-image:tag bash

Run a docker image

docker run -it --rm  -v /local_dir:/docker_dir docker-image:tag bash
  1. -it: interactive mode
  2. --rm: clean up after exit
  3. -v: volume (shared filesystems)

Attach to a running docker container

docker ps
docker exec -it container_name bash

File Permission Issue

All files created by the docker is owned by root. Solution: Using ACL The following command grant use ACL to make read/write permissions of all files in project inherit from project and have the same access of the current host user.

setfacl -dm "u:username:rwx" ~/project

SSH in docker

Add this line to use the ssh key as the host

-v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh

Build a docker image

  1. Get folder with everything you need in it.
  2. Write a Dockerfile
  3. docker build --tag=docker-image .


## List Docker CLI commands
docker container --help

## Display Docker version and info
docker --version
docker version
docker info

## Execute Docker image
docker run hello-world

## List Docker images
docker image ls

## List Docker containers (running, all, all in quiet mode)
docker container ls
docker container ls --all
docker container ls -aq